Your first thought reading the title might be “Finally what?” since there are only two computers that advertise Thunderbolt 4 ports, as far as I know.*
It isn’t the Thunderbolt 4 part that is the biggest deal – at least, not right now. In the future, when Thunderbolt 4 ports become mainstream on both Apple and Windows machines, then there will be some additional advantages to a dock like this. But we’ll get to that later…..
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Film has experienced a bit of a resurgence in the past five or so years. We’ve seen a proliferation of never-before-made film stocks and even some of the ones killed off have been brought back to life (Fujifilm Acros 100 – my favorite b&w stock). As a life-long avid shooter of film, from 35mm to 4x5, and experience with thousands of camera models, I thought I’d do a post on my own suggestions…….
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The Nikon 35Ti (and, by extension, the 28Ti - depending on what focal length you want) has always been an extremely interesting and desirable camera for me. I’ve always wanted one premium compact point and shoot in my collection….
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One of the longest running debates on the Internet is the use of filtration – specifically UV (ultraviolet) filters. Some see UV filters as instruments of protection (of their lens) without any real consequences; others see them as sacrilegious pieces of inferior glass that compromise image quality. So, let’s get into it a little bit because there are merits to both camps; though I feel like it is almost universally agreed that any filters that come in a camera or lens bundle should best be left unopened and away from your lenses.
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I wanted to do a quick write-up on two of my favorite suppliers of used camera gear (in the United States, anyway) – Robert’s Camera in Indianapolis, better known as UsedPhotoPro when referring to their used department; and KEH Camera in Smyrna, Georgia just outside Atlanta
Disclaimer: I am an affiliate of both UsedPhotoPro and KEH, so any referrals via this site do net me a small fee. However, there are very good reasons I wanted to partner with them. Keep reading for more on that.
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First of all, thank you for visiting my new site. As noted above, it is still under construction but should be fully functional shortly.
This is site is centered around photography (and some videography/cinematography). The main types of content you will find here are:
1) Gear reviews (e.g. lenses, cameras, tripods, etc.)
2) Informational articles about photography (e.g. shooting technique or post-processing in ACR & Photoshop)
3) "Musings" or general thoughts about photography and the camera industry.
4) Articles that are more nebulous in nature (for example, I'm working on one about Cinema vs. Stills Photography) - I guess these could be called "philosophical" articles.
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